Open cup drinking, spoon-feeding, and self-feeding milestones all start at 6 months of age. Parents need a safe open cup, spoon, and baby-led strips of food to help their baby become an independent drinker and eater!
Self Feeding: Babies learn to self feed by using their palmer and pincer grasps. This is why our Baby-Led Weaning Food Cutters
are designed to cut food into finger-length strips to support the palmar grasp (6m+) and serrated cubes to promote the pincer grasp (9m+). ezpz food cutters ensure that baby’s meals are prepared for their age and developmental stage.
- Cup Drinking: Developmentally, at 6 months of age baby should be introduced to sips of breastmilk, formula, or smoothies from an open cup held by an adult (NOT a sippy cup!). The ezpz Tiny Cup is a safe choice for teaching open cup drinking.
- Spoon Feeding: Choose a baby-led spoon that your little one can easily hold and self feed with. The ezpz Tiny Spoon was designed to help baby learn how to use a utensil independently and be successful with the fine motor milestones of dipping and scooping!
To learn more about infant cup drinking milestones and infant spoon feeding milestones check out our blogs: Feeding Milestones for Baby: Cup Drinking and Baby-Led Spoon Feeding at 6 Months