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Parent Resources

Parent Resources

Intro to First Foods

When starting solids with your infant, you can use the traditional method, the baby led weaning (BLW) approach, or a combination of both feeding styles. But, ultimately, baby chooses the method. Learning about the benefits of each approach and how to safely administer foods can support your baby (and you) on the journey!

Choose a Feeding Method
Baby-led Weaning
Traditional Method

Baby-led Weaning

Starting solids takes patience, practice, and repetition - just like everything else in parenting. Most parents are eager for the challenge but don’t know how to get started. Team ezpz is here to help!

Dawn Winkelmann, M.S, CCC-SLP

Happy Feeding!

Dawn Winkelmann, M.S, CCC-SLP
Speech Language Pathologist & Feeding Specialist for ezpz

Dawn Winkelmann (M.S, CCC-SLP) is ezpz’s Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist and Feeding Specialist. She has 28 years of experience teaching parents and medical professionals how to start babies on solids safely and encourage toddlers to overcome picky eating tendencies. In addition, “Ms. Dawn” is the designer of our award-winning feeding products.

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